Operating Manual
7. Select the option “Use the following IP address” and introduce the information that it was written
down in the beginning of this explanation, the only data has to change is the “IP address”, in this
dialog has to be introduced 3 identical numbers to the information copied from the inverter solar,
and vary the last one; in the previous figure, there was placed the number 102 as an example,
this is different from the number 101 that is indicated in the solar inverter information by defect.
Once the information is introduced and pressing OK, you can access from your internet explorer,
directly to the Webserver system, writing the next direction in you explorer:
6.1.5 Login page
When the appropriate IP is introduced in the explorer, it will appear a login page where it will ask for a
login. Write “user” as the user name and “solar” in the password for entering to the system manager.
Fig. 6-14 Login page
6.1.6 Start menu
This is the first page that the user sees when the user name and the password are introduced correctly.
From this page, parameters of emphasized information are accessible. There are different zones:
Submenus top bar.
A status diagram with its most important characteristics.
Generation graphs about the last days/months with their benefits and occurred events.
It also has a section which it shows the weather forecast for the next months (with a previous
configuration so this is able to display the forecast for the right place).
In the top, there is a box to refresh the screen. If this box is not active, the information will only get one
time, so after a period of time the information will not be updated. If it is active, the information will be
updated but the computer will work slowly.