Tecnical Support:
Scene Number
: shown only after selecting “Scene” for the above
parameter. This field defines the number of the scene that will be sent to the bus
on the execution of the timed sending.
Label for “Scene”
]: permits customising the label shown next to the
checkbox that enables/disables the scene sending.
Label for “Time ON”
Time ON
]: permits customising the label shown next to
the checkbox that enables/disables the sending of the switch-on order.
Label for “Time OFF”
Time OFF
]: permits customising the label shown next to
the checkbox that enables/disables the sending of the switch-off order.
0 = Disable; 1 = Enable
/ 0 = Enable; 1 = Disable
]: sets the value
to enable and disable the timer through the object
“[Pn][Bi] Weekly Timer
the execution of user-defined timers is triggered on the detection of state
transitions, even if the clock does not specifically pass through the specified time. In
other words, supposing one timed sending of the value “ON” at 10:00h am and one timed
sending of the value “OFF” at 8:00h pm, if the internal clock is set to 9:00h pm just after
10:00h am (and therefore after having sent the value “ON”), then the “OFF” order
corresponding to 8:00h pm will take place immediately after the time change.
Boxes configured as alarms perform user warnings on anomalous events. For this
purpose, boxes of this type are related to the binary object
“[Pn][Bi] Alarm Trigger”
that permits receiving alarm messages from the bus, thus making Z35 emit a continuous
beep while the screen light blinks. In addition, the screen will automatically browse to the
page containing the alarm box that has been triggered. Any pop-up, message or function
that has been activated will be deactivated and the alarm will be given priority.
blinking warning icon
shows that the alarm is active and not confirmed. This icon
will also appear in the lower right corner of the button of the page where the alarm is
When an alarm has been activated, there are two different ways to silence the sound
notification and the luminous blinking of the display.