21 - EN
2.11 Troubleshooting
This paragraph concerns issues related to the main unit.
Never open the unit nor touch the internal components. Only authorized personnel can
get access to the internal components.
In case of malfunctioning such as weird noise, bad smell, water leakages, unplug the
power supply and call a Zehnder Authorised Representative.
On the upper part of the front cover, behind the black transparent panel, a couple of LEDs indicating
the actual working mode of the unit are visible.
The possible colours are:
Led colours
Left (multicolour LED):
RED permanent: heating mode.
BLU permanent: cooling mode.
GREEN blinking: an error occurred.
OFF: the device is off.
(see notifications on the app)
Right (GREEN):
Fast blinking: ComfoNet BUS off.
Slow blinking: ComfoNet is connecting.
Permanent ON: ComfoNet properly connected and working.