ZDL-GSM-516-5112 Mobile Network Voice Intercom
With Access Control
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P a g e
Software Installation Step Continuation:
That pretty much conclude the install, and the next step will be to start populating the “Form Fields” as
shown below. Click “New” to begin:
Form Field Information: ID [Index Number] Room No. [4-Digit Apartment Number Name [Resident
Name] Phone No.1, 2, 3 [Residents 1
To 3
Phone Numbers-Add 1-Before Area Code] Password [User
Unlock Password].
Software Application Screen Shot
Existing User details on SD-Card should populate form fields [If Any Data Exist]. You can change/add-
new/delete user records. Update/Change User Phone Numbers; Unlock Password, Index Number, Room
Number etc.
When done, just click DONE to save information, and simply take SD-Card back to the system.
We recommend Powering Down System before Re-Installing Mini-SD Card. Do Not Forget To
Re-Attach Panel Screws. Note: Mini-SD Card Installs Facing Down Inside Card Slot. For
Trouble-Shooting, Please Contact System Vendor For Immediate Technical Support.