User Manual 3PH HYD5000-HYD20000-ZSS
Rev. 1.1 16/03/2021
Identification: MD-AL-GI-00
Rev. 1. of 16/03/2021 - Application: GID
Connecting the battery
If the storage capacity needs to be increased by adding one or more batteries to an existing system,
make sure that all the batteries (installed and to be installed) are fully charged.
To check the charge status of each battery, connect them one at a time to the inverter and view the
charge level on the display (all the instantaneous information can be accessed by pressing the “Down”
key from the main menu).
The batteries can be recharged from the excess photovoltaic production or by using the forced charge
mode indicated in the “% charge mode” section of this manual.
Installing Pylontech batteries
Connecting a single battery tower
Figure 14 - Single battery tower
Each tower of battery modules consists of a BMS connected in series to multiple battery modules.
The devices to be used are: