User Manual 3PH HYD5000-HYD20000-ZSS
Rev. 1.1 16/03/2021
Identification: MD-AL-GI-00
Rev. 1. of 16/03/2021 - Application: GID
Figure 3 - Installation process
The 3PH HYD5000-HYD20000-ZSS inverter can operate in automatic mode and in time-of-use charge,
charge/discharge mode. In automatic mode, when the energy produced by the PV field is greater than
that required by the utilities, the 3PH HYD5000-HYD20000-ZSS inverter charges the battery using the
photovoltaic energy in excess, and when the photovoltaic energy is lower than that required, the
inverter uses the energy stored in the battery to supply current to the local load.
Product overview
The 3PH HYD5000-HYD20000-ZSS storage inverters allow up to 10% overload to maximum power
output and the Emergency Power Supply (EPS) mode can support inductive loads, such as air
conditioners or refrigerators with an automatic switching time of less than 20 milliseconds.
Figure 4 - Inverter dimensions and accessories
Main product features:
Double MPPT tracker with allowable DC overload of up to 1.5 times.
Carefully check the packaging and product fittings before installation.