Zaxcom Deva 24 My Deva
Mirror drives - CF1 and CF2
The two compact flash drives are the mirror drives. The mirror drives are where recorded as Broadcast Wave files
(BWF) these are the files that are generally handed off to post production. The CF drives can be recorded to
individually or simultaneously in which two copies are recorded at the same time.
Selecting a drive
From the My Deva menu tap on one of the compact flash keys CF1 or CF2 key to
open mirror disk utility menu. From the utilities menu, the record setting for that
drive can be adjusted.
Setting the file type
A MONO file creates one file for each track that is recorded. So if 1 track is
recorded, 1 file will be created. If 2 tracks were to be recorded 2 files will be
created, one representing track 1 and the other representing track 2. Similarly if
24 tracks were recorded 24 files will be created.
A POLY file creates one file for that take; even if the take recorded has multiple
tracks. So with a POLY file if a take is only 1 track, the file would be 1 track. If the
take was 2 tracks, it would still be one file with both tracks. This is often referred
to as being "2 tracks wide". Similarly, if 24 tracks were recorded it would still be
only one file, 24 tracks wide.
Setting the file resoultion
The file resolution sets the bit depth that Deva 24 will mirror the files at. Files can be
record at either 16 bit or 24 bit.
Remember mirror mode
When set to ON the state of the mirror setting (OFF, ON or CONTINIOUS) will be
remember after a power cycle. If the remember mode is set to OFF the mirror mode
will always be set to off after a power cycle.