YZ Systems Milton Roy • 201 Ivyland Road • Ivyland, Pennsylvania • USA • 18974 • P: 281.362.6500 • www.yzsystems.com
Page 11
NJEX 610G / 610F ver.11-2023
Section 5: Programming the Z-100 Controller
Controller Overview:
Figure 9
To begin initial setup of the Z-100 Controller, move
the Power switch, located on the front panel, to the
ON position. The YZ logo will be shown while the
controller is initializing then the Home Screen will
be displayed when ready to operate.
The navigation switch has 5 functions: UP, DOWN,
RIGHT, LEFT, and ENTER (center press). Press-
ing the switch in the appropriate direction to move
between menus, and a center key to select sub
menus or to modify, select, and save settings.
When moving between screens arrows will be
shown on the display indicating what keys are active
and their functions. Example illustration: the small
down arrow indicates pressing the down key will
allow you to scroll to additional Home Screen infor-
mation. The right arrow next to "Menu" indicates
pressing the right arrow will take you to the "Menu"
Screen. See detailed navigation switch functionality
When the controller starts, the YZ Systems logo
will load and the Home Screen will be displayed.
The navigation switch will be used to navigate
menus, change parameters, enter changes, etc.
To navigate the controller, you will press the
navigation switch in the direction you would like
to move.
To open sub-menus, enter parameters, etc. you
will use the navigation like a push button and
push by pressing in the center of the switch.
When viewing a screen, note if there is an arrow
at the top or bottom of the screen. If a small
arrow is shown, it indicates you can scroll down
or navigate in that direction. On some screens,
additional instructions may be shown in the bottom
The Z-100 controller has three main
operating modes:
In timer mode, the controller actuates the
pump at a set time interval. The time interval can be
set to 0.1 min to 180.00 min. in 0.01min. increments.
: In counter mode, the Z-100 controller
functions as a pulse divider. The controller moni-
tors and counts incoming pulses at the count input.
When the number of pulses equals the pulse divider
setting the controller operates the pump The pulse
divider can be set from 1 to 10,000 in increments
of 1.
In Analog mode, the Z-100 controller
monitors a 4-20mA signal and operates the pump
at a rate proportional to the 4-20mA signal as
configured in the proportional to flow settings. See
, Analog mode.
Home Screen:
The daily totals are displayed on the Home Screen.
The values are reset at midnight each day. Where
the display shows DAILY TOTALS, this line will al-
ternate between showing DAILY TOTALS and the
running mode. It will display TIMER or COUNTER
or ANALOG followed by OFF or ON.
Active alarms are shown. When an alarm is pres-
ent, it will be prefixed with a number (#) indicating
the total alarms present. The alarm text will cycle
through the alarm list.