YZ Systems Milton Roy • 201 Ivyland Road • Ivyland, Pennsylvania • USA • 189743 • P: 281.362.6500 • www.yzsystems.com
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NJEX 610G / 610F ver.11-2023
Section 9: 610G / 610F System Troubleshooting
Battery Power
The Z-100 controller and the low powered solenoid
are normally powered by the Z-100 Battery assem
bly. The battery assembly is not a rechargeable type
battery. Under normal conditions this battery may
last two years. The Z-100 controller has an alarm
that will advise when the battery needs replaced.
Battery Power Troubleshoot-
ing Steps:
• The battery voltage can be tested with the
battery test option under the test menu.
Navigate to the battery test menu and press
enter on the navigation switch.
• While in the battery test menu, press the
navigation switch in to test the battery.
The battery test will send a signal to the
solenoid to stroke the pump - the pump will stroke
odorant into the discharge line if open. This provides
the most accurate load on the battery pack to be
representative of the available battery life.
• The battery voltage will be displayed on
the screen and the LED will flash green or
red, depending if the battery voltage is ac
ceptable or low. It is recommended to re
place the battery when it reaches 11.5 volts
as shown on the controller in the battery test
screen with the solenoid connected.