YZ Systems Milton Roy • 201 Ivyland Road • Ivyland, Pennsylvania • USA • 18974 • P: 281.362.6500 • www.yzsystems.com
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NJEX 610G / 610F ver.11-2023
Section 9: 610G / 610F System Troubleshooting
How to Use This Section
The recommendations contained in this section
should be used as a preliminary information
resource to remedy operational issues with the
NJEX LVO System. It is important to read all of the
definitions and notes prior to initiating work.
Each sub-section contains a description of
the alarm and non-alarm indicators followed
by a step-by-step trouble shooting procedure
For Additional Help
Any issue that can not be resolved through
the use of this reference, please contact YZ
Technical Service at:
T: 1.800.653.9435
T: 1.281.362.6500, International Calls
Assistance is available 24 hours a day, 7 days
a week, 365 days a year, via the telephone
numbers listed above
• Always use extreme care when performing
maintenance on an odorization system.
Check to ensure the removal of liquid
odorant and pressure from the portion of the
system on which work will be performed prior
to removing components or fittings.
• Inspect all tube fittings and valve packings
semi-annually to ensure that liquid odorant
remains within the system.
Step-by-Step Resolution
Using a step-by-step method to resolve issues
on the NJEX LVO System will reduce maintenance
time and assist in returning the odorization
system to service quicker.
The following represent the recommended
chronology to resolve issues:
1. Re-establish the correct pressures
a. Bulk Storage Tank, 10 psi (0.7 Bar)
b. Actuation Supply, 30-60 psi (2.1 - 4.1
Bar), refer to
2. Verify that the odorant storage tank has
sufficient odorant in it to supply the NJEX
LVO 610G / 610F with odorant.