Maintenance for the compressor assembly consists of
checking the operation of the oil return system and
changing the dehydrator, checking and changing the
oil, checking and changing the oil filters, checking the
operation of the oil heater, checking the operation of
the oil pump, and observing the operation of the com-
Internal wearing of compressor parts could be a seri-
ous problem caused by improper lubrication, brought
about by restricted oil lines, passages, or dirty oil fil-
ters. If the unit is shutting down on (HOT) High Oil Tem-
perature or Low Oil Pressure (OP), change the oil filter
element. Examine the oil filter element for the pres-
ence of aluminum particles. Aluminum gas seal rings
can contact the impeller and account for some alumi-
num particles to accumulate in the oil filter, especially
during the initial start up and first several months of
operation. However, if alumimum particles continue to
accumulate and the same conditions continue to stop
the unit operation after a new filter is installed, notify
the nearest YORK office to request the presence of a
YORK Service Man.
For information covering the MicroComputer Control
Center operation, refer to Section 2.
The operating points of the pressure and tempera-
ture cut outs are shown in the Wiring Diagrams.
These diagrams also contain a starting and stopping
sequence diagram.