YVC-1000MS User's Manual
Indicator status for each button
The status of the product is indicated by the indicator color and the light up/flash mode for each button.
Button type
Button status
Status of the product
Power button (
Not lit
Power-off (the power cable is not plugged into the
Lit (Red)
Standby (
Lit (Green)
Power-on (
Lit (Orange)
Firmware error (
page 42: Q1)
Flash (Orange)
Firmware being updated
Flash (Red)
Hardware error (
page 42: Q1)
and - buttons
Not lit
Operation disabled
Lit (Green)
Speaker volume adjustable (
Flash (Green)
Speaker selectable (
Speaker muted (
Call button (
Not lit
Operation disabled
Lit (Green)
Awaiting incoming call
High-speed flash (Green)
Receiving incoming call
Lit (Orange)
Call in progress
Flash (Green)
On hold
Flash (Orange)
Call in progress (another call on hold)
Automatic audio tuning being performed
High-speed flash (Orange)
Call in progress (receiving another incoming call)
Automatic audio tuning has been ended abnormally
Bluetooth button (
Not lit
Operation disabled
Lit (Green)
Bluetooth unconnected (
Flash (Blue)
Bluetooth connectable (
High-speed flash (Blue)
Bluetooth pairing enabled (
Lit (Blue)
Bluetooth connected