Tips for reducing fuel
b±/ku dh [kir de djus ds fVIl
Your Motorcycle’s fuel consumption
depends to a large extent on your
riding style.
vkidh e¨Vj&lkbZfdy esa b±/ku dh [k+ir]
vkids pykus ds rjhds ij fuHkZj djrh gSA
The following tips can help reduce fuel
consumption :
uhps fn, x, fVIl ¼fof/k;k¡½ b±/ku dh [k+ir
d¨ de djus esa lgk;d g¨ ldrs gS
1. Warm up the engine before riding.
e¨Vj&lkbZfdy pykus ls igys batu
d¨ FkksM+k xeZ djsaA
2. Lift up the Choke Lever as soon
as possible.
ftruh tYnh laHko g¨ *pkWd yhoj^ d¨
Åij dh rjQ mBk ysaA
3. Shift up swiftly and avoid high
engine speeds during
e¨Vj&lkbZfdy dh xfr c<+us ds n©jku
xh;j rst+h ls cnys rFkk batu dh rst+
LihM+ ls cpsaA
4. Do not double-clutch or rev the
engine while shifting down and
avoid high engine speeds with
no load on the engine.
xkM+h d¨ fupys xh;j esa ykrs le;
Mcy Dyp dk ç;¨x u djsaA rFkk
batu ij y¨M u g¨us dh fLFkfr esa
batu ds rhoz osx ls cpsaA
5. Turn off the engine instead of
letting it idle for an extended
length of time, i.e. in traffic jams,
at traffic lights or rail-road
tc vki T;knk nsj rd [kM+s gks rks
batu dk vkbZMy ij pyrs jgus dh
vis{kk mls can dj nsaA
mnkgj.k% VªSfQd tke esa]yky cÙkh
ij] jsyos Øk£lx ij bR;kfnA
6. Do not drive with excessive load
on the Motorcycle.
v R ; k f / k d o t + u d s l k F k
e¨Vj&lkbZfdy u pyk,¡A
7. Plan your route in advance.
vius ;k=kk&ekxZ dh ;¨t+uk igys ls
gh cuk ysaA
8. Avoid frequent braking.
ckj&ckj czsd yxkus ls cpsaA
9. Always maintain your tyre
pressure as per
tSlk fd çLrkfor ¼flQkfj'k½ fd;k
x;k gS] ges'kk vius Vk;j esa gok ds
ncko d¨ cuk dj j[¨saA
10.Get your motorcycle serviced
periodically after every 2000 kms.
fdñehñ ds varjky esa
lkef;d #i ls e¨Vj&lkbZfdy dh
lfoZl djok,¡A
There is never a more important period
in the life of your Motorcycle than the
period between zero and 1,000 km.
For this reason we ask that you
carefully read the following material.
Because the engine is brand new, you
must not put an excessive load on it
for the first 1,000 km. The various
parts in the engine wear and polish
themselves to the correct operating
clearances. During this period,
prolonged full throttle operation, or any
condition which might result in
excessive heating of the engine, must
be avoided.
dk;Z rFkk lokjh ls tqM+s vko';d rF;
2/25/2005, 10:04 AM