Using the internal effects
Operation section
Adjusting the effect parameters
You can freely edit the parameters of the effect pro-
grams built into the AW2816 to create the sound you
want. You can also save an edited program in the
effect library. As an example, here’s how to edit the
effect program of effect 2.
Press the [AUX 6] key
[F2] key.
The AUX6/EFF2 screen Library page will appear,
in which you can perform effect library opera-
From library numbers 001–041, select the
effect program that you want to edit, and
recall it.
It is not possible to change the effect type of the
effect program that you recall. Thus, even if you want
to create an effect program from scratch, you must
start by recalling a program that uses the desired
effect type from the effect library.
Press the [F1] key.
The Eff.Edit page will appear, where you can edit
the recalled effect program. The lower part of the
screen will show knobs for the parameters that
can be edited.
Move the cursor to the knob of the effect
parameter that you want to edit, and use
the [DATA/JOG] dial to edit the value.
For details on the parameters and functions of each
effect type, refer to the “Effect parameter list” at the
end of this manual.