Installing the Software
03D Video Edit Suite Software—Owner’s Manual
12. Choose Xmodem from the Protocol menu.
13. Click Browse and locate the “03VEKxxx.T” file, and then click Send.
14. On the 03D, use the cursor buttons to select START, and press the [ENTER]
The message “Please send BLOCK TABLE FILE” appears on the 03D.
The file is transmitted to the 03D.
Wait until the following message appears on the 03D before proceeding:
“Please send BLOCK 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H”.
15. In HyperTerminal, choose Send File from the Transfer menu.
The Send File dialog box appears.
16. Click Browse and locate the “03VEKxxx.X” file, and then click Send.
17. On the 03D, use the cursor buttons to select START, and press the [ENTER]
The file is transmitted to the 03D. While the data is being transmitted, an asterisk flashes
slowly on the 03D.
Transmission may take between 5 and 20 minutes. When the file have been transmitted suc-
cessfully, “UPDATE . . . DONE” and an EXIT option appear on the 03D.
18. Press the [ENTER] button to restart the 03D.
That completes the installation process.
Reinstalling the Regular 03D Software
To reinstall the regular 03D software, follow the same procedure as for installing the 03D
Video Edit Suite software noting the following differences:
Use the floppy disks labeled “03D” instead of the “03D for Video Editing” disks.
On the Macintosh floppy disks, the compressed file for the regular 03D software is
“03D_VxxxMIX.sea” (instead of “03VEKxxxMIX.sea”)
The “T” data file is “03D_Vxxx.T” (instead of “03VEKxxx.T”)
The “X” data file is “03D_Vxxx.X” (instead of “03VEKxxx.X”)
You don’t have to use the same type of computer to reinstall the regular 03D software.
For example, if you installed the 03D Video Edit Suite software using a Macintosh com-
puter, you can reinstall the regular 03D software using either a Macintosh or Windows
95 PC.