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03D Video Edit Suite Software—Owner’s Manual
—This parameter should be set to match the parity requirements of the edi-
tor. Options are: EVEN, ODD, and NONE. The default being EVEN.
—This parameter determines how 03D faders operate when ESAM II com-
mands are received.
In ABSOLUTE mode, faders indicate channel fader positions and do not move when
ESAM II commands change levels using the ESAM faders. In this mode, faders can still be
used to make manual level adjustments, a common feature of ESAM mixers.
In FROM-TO mode, faders indicate ESAM fader levels and move when ESAM II commands
change channel levels using the ESAM faders. FROM source faders move to the LIMIT
LEVEL, usually minus infinity, and TO source faders move to the specified input level. In
this mode, faders cannot be used to make manual level adjustments. Faders move only when
an ESAM-related page is displayed (i.e., Machine, CrossFade, From-To, CH 1-16, or