IMPORTANT WARNING: It is critical that all YAKIMA GroundControl products and accessories be properly and securely
attached to walls and floors. Improper attachment could result in an accident, and could cause serious bodily injury
or death to you or to others, or damage to property. You are responsible for securing the GroundControl unit and
accessories to your walls and floors, checking the attachments prior to use, and periodically inspecting the products
for adjustment, wear, and damage. Therefore, you must read and understand all of the instructions and cautions
supplied with your YAKIMA product prior to installation or use. If you do not understand all of the instructions and
cautions, or if you have no mechanical experience and are not thoroughly familiar with the installation procedures,
you should have the product installed by a professional installer such as a licensed contractor. Incorrect installation,
use of unauthorized parts, or unintended use of this product may void your warranty.
use suPPlIed hARdWARe
Use only hardware supplied
in your GroundControl kit or
supplied by an authorized
YAKIMA dealer. Use of
unauthorized parts in the
GroundControl system could
result in product malfunction or
an accident involving injury or
death or damage to property.
Follow instructions contained in
this manual. Incorrect installation
could result in serious injury or
damage to property.
uNINTeNded usAGe
This product is intended to store
and organize outdoor gear and
is not designed for any other
purpose other than what is
stated here. Do not allow any
person to lean, hang, or climb
on this product. Do not attempt
to install this product on any
vehicle. Any unintended use of
this product may result in an
accident involving injury or death,
or damage to property.
exTeNdeR KIT INsTRuCTIONs . . . . . . . PAGe 10
CORNeR KIT INsTRuCTIONs . . . . . . . PAGe 12
PART #1033348 Rev.A