XYZ Machine Tools Ltd
XYZ Bed Mill Safety, Installation, Maintenance, Service & Parts List Manual
want to access the code in question. If you know the code # you want, press the CODE # softkey, enter
the number you want and press SET.
Software Codes
The following codes pertain to software functions in the control. To get to any of these codes go to
Service Codes, press “A” and press the code you wish to view.
Note: If you are working with Customer Service, write the values down for Code 33 or Code 313. These
values will be valuable for troubleshooting.
CODE 33: Software ID
The Code 33 is the software identification procedure. The two types of software in the control
Software Version - the version of the system you have installed
Firmware Version - the version of firmware software that is responsible for control to servo
Converter Version – the version of software that is responsible for converters and options.
Operating System Version – shows the version of the XP operating system.
CODE 141: Load Configuration File from USB (Floppy) drive
This code allows you to load your configuration file from the USB/floppy disk to your hard drive. The
configuration file consists of items such as calibration and backlash constants. This code is used when
a computer module or hard drive has been replaced.
CODE 142: Save Configuration File to USB (Floppy) drive
This code allows you to save your configuration file to a USB/floppy disk. The configuration file
consists of items such as calibration and backlash constants. This code is used when a computer
module or hard drive needs to be replaced. This stores the configuration file from the hard drive to
the floppy disk. It is a good idea to do this code after the machine is initially setup so these values
can be saved and used in the future. If the computer or hard drive fails, then you will not have the
ability to save the configuration file and the machine will need to be re-setup when the computer or
hard drive is replaced.
Note: All machines will have a copy of the configuration file in the back of the electric’s cabinet.
CODE 313: Display Configuration File
This code displays the configuration file. This file contains pertinent information about the machine.
The file will look similar to the following. If the file becomes corrupt you can load default values by
pressing the F4 softkey.
Product = SMX 3500 (displays machine ID key of machine)
Motor encoder calibration constants
X=1143.9002 Y=1143.8982 Z=1143.7922
Secondary feedback calibration constants
X=3302.6122 Y=3302.6045 Z=3302.7122
(These numbers above are typical numbers for the calibration constants, the numbers for secondary
feedback are default numbers, which means no calibration has been done, or the machine does not
have secondary feedback)
Arc accuracy – 0.025 mm
Secondary feedback – 0, 1, 2 or 3
(0 = off, 1 = X on only, 2 = Y on only, 3 = XY both on)
Code 11 values
X = 0.002
Y = 0.001”
Code 128
Code 12
Code 100 (+)
CODE 316: Update Master Software
Load upgrade disk in floppy drive and press this service code. New software will automatically
download and control will reboot.