4 Configure probe for new cap.
In KOR software, configure the probe for the new sensor
cap. Click the Calibrate button and then click the ODO
button. Next click the ODO % sat button, and in the DO
calibration window click the Advanced button.
In the Advanced menu, click the Edit button and enter the
unique membrane cap coefficients found on the instruction
sheet shipped with the DO sensor cap.
Calibration coefficients are associated with specific
individual sensor caps. They cannot be used for other ODO
5 Store sensor cap.
The sensor cap is shipped in a humidified container,
and should be consistently stored in a 100% humid
environment. Prior to installation, ensure the cap’s
container remains moist. Once the sensor cap is installed
on the sensor, maintain this environment by placing
approximately 0.5 in (1 cm) of water (deionized, distilled,
tap, or environmental) in the bottom of the calibration cup
and screw it tightly onto the sonde to prevent evaporation.
You may also store the sensor by submerging the cap end in
If pH sensor is also installed, do not submerge it in