Install or Replace Batteries
The EXO Handheld (HHs) uses four (4) C-cell alkaline batteries as a power source. Users can extend battery
life by putting the HH in “Sleep” mode, when convenient, by pressing and holding the power button for less
than three seconds. Rechargeable Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries can also be used. Battery life varies
depending on GPS and Bluetooth wireless use.
1 Remove battery cover panel.
The battery cover panel is located on the back of the HH.
To remove the panel, unscrew (counter-clockwise) the four
screws with a flat or Phillips head screwdriver.
Note: The retaining screws are integrated into this panel
and are not independently removable. If replacement is
necessary, replace the entire assembly.
2 Insert/replace batteries.
Remove the old batteries and dispose of them according to
local ordinances and regulations. Install the new batteries
between the battery clips with their polarity (+/-) oriented
as shown on the bottom of the battery compartment.
If you use your own rechargeable batteries, they cannot
be charged inside the handheld; they should be charged
outside the handheld.
3 Reinstall battery cover panel.
Ensure that the rubber battery cover gasket is seated
properly, then replace the cover onto the back of the HH.
Tighten the four retaining screws back into their holes, but
do not overtighten.