Review the basic calibration description on pg 65.
Pour the correct amount of standard with a known oxidation reduction potential value (we recommend
Zobell solution) in a clean and dry or pre-rinsed calibration cup. Carefully immerse the probe end of the
sonde into the solution.
In the Calibrate menu, select pH/ORP, then select ORP mV.
Click Start Calibration. Observe the readings under Current and Pending data points and when they
are Stable (or data shows no significant change for approximately 40 seconds), click Apply to accept this
calibration point.
Do not leave sensors in Zobell solution for a long time. A chemical reaction occurs with the copper
on the sonde (sonde bulkhead, central wiper assembly, copper tape). While the reaction does not impact
calibration, it will degrade the sonde materials over time. Discard the used standard.
Click Complete. View the Calibration Summary screen and QC score. Click Exit to return to the sensor
calibration menu, and then the back arrows to return to main Calibrate menu.
Rinse the sonde in tap or purified water and dry the sonde.