9460/9460KP/9462/9462KP System Manual
If you install Windows 3.1 on your system, Xycom provides the Ethernet drivers on the
Ethernet Drivers disk that ships with your system.
If you install Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 95 on your system, the
Ethernet drivers that are provided do not work with the Ethernet con-
troller installed. You must use the drivers provided by Xycom. These
drivers can be found on the Ethernet Drivers disk that ships with your
Consult the Info directory on the drivers disk for additional installation information.
Video Drivers
Video drivers and the expansion utilities are on the diskette included with the documen-
tation kit as well as on the hard drive.
For the AHIP5+ system, the video drivers are in the following directories:
For the AHIP4+ system, the video drivers are in the following directories:
Video Expansion
This section deals with the hardware expansion capability of the video controller chip in
DOS applications.
It is not necessary to read this section if you are a Windows or OS/2 user
and do not plan to run DOS applications and have not modified the de-
fault expansion mode in the BIOS setup,
Unlike a CRT, a flat panel display has a fixed horizontal and vertical resolution. There
are many DOS video modes whose resolution is less than that of a flat panel display. In
order to more efficiently make use of the flat panel display’s active area, it is necessary
to employ an expansion technique which stretches the lower resolution information to fill
the higher resolution of the display. For example, DOS defaults to VGA video mode 3+.
This is an 80 column, 25 row text only screen whose effective resolution is 640 dots x
400 scan lines. Because of this, the 800 x 600 display of the system will be partially