Ramp +kVAr/Sec :
Value in kVAr which is imposed on the generator during load transfer phases from the mains to the genset or bet-
ween gensets. Adjustment kVAr by kVAr is possible.
Ramp -kVAr/Sec :
Value in kVAr which is imposed on the generator during load transfer phases from the genset to the mains or bet-
ween gensets. Adjustment kVAr by kVAr is possible.
kW Quota ++ :
Value, on external request, of power in kW/sec which is imposed on the generator.
kW Quota -- :
Value, on external request, of power in kW/sec which is imposed on the generator.
In # 00 >> kW Quota ++ :
By replacing In#00 by 06, 08, 09 or 12, and if it has not been already allocated, the chosen input enables to make a
dynamic check of the power (kW).
In # 00 >> kW Quota -- :
By replacing In#00 by 06, 08, 09 or 12, and if it has not been already allocated, the chosen input enables to make a
dynamic check of the power (kW).
kVAr Quota ++ :
Value, on an external request, of power in kVAr/sec which is imposed on the generator.
kVAr Quota -- :
Value, on an external request, of power in kVAr/sec which is imposed on the generator.
In # 00 >> kVAr Quota ++ :
By replacing In#00 by 06, 08, 09 or 12, and if it has not already been allocated, the chosen input enables to make a
dynamic check of the power (kVAr).
In # 00 >> kVAr Quota -- :
By replacing In#00 by 06, 08, 09 or 12, and if it has not already been allocated, the chosen input enables to make a
dynamic check of the power (kVAr).
% kW / Xre >> R # 1 On :
Not used.
% kW / Xre >> R # 1 Off :
Not used.
+ % kW / Xre >> Start :
Value expressed as a percentage of the genset power that allows the next genset to start-up in a sequence (only
used in configuration #3 with automatic program "Parall Auto Start"). See "Standard applications".
+ % kW / Xre >> Stop :
Value expressed as a percentage of the genset power that allows the next genset to shut down in a sequence (only
used in configuration #3 with automatic program "Parall Auto Start"). See "Standard applications".
Exclude Net IDs :
Allows the exclusion from the network of a certain number of gensets according to the ID Nos (number of gensets).
In # 06 Excludes :
Option at (1) enables to isolate a genset from the RS 485 network by activating input In#6.
Option at (0) enables to use input In#6 in a standard way.
In # 08 Excludes :
Option at (1) enables to isolate a genset from the RS 485 network by activating input In#8.
Option at (0) enables to use input In#8 in a standard way.
In # 09 Excludes :
Option at (1) enables to isolate a genset from the RS 485 network by activating input In#9.
Option at (0) enables to use input In#9 in a standard way.
In # 12 Excludes :
Option at (1) enables to isolate a genset from the RS 485 network by activating input In#12.
Option at (0) enables to use input In#12 in a standard way.
Write Protect...!? :
Selection (0) : all parameters defined in SET-UP are accessible to read and to modify.
Selection (1) : all parameters defined in SET-UP are only accessible to read.
ShenZhen XinKe power equipment Co .Ltd