The Song Panel
In this area you can combine patterns and write complete drum tracks.
Rather than offering you an archaic rows/Lines of little squares where you
can enter a Pattern Number, StiX will let you build song in a more
traditional way of thinking, and proposes you a ‘semi archaic system’
where you can both select a pattern number AND the number of times this
pattern will be repeated before going to the next part of the song (1) . This
system is much quicker to build tracks.
Songs have their own dedicated preset format, so its easy to build templates
of standards tracks : Intro-break-Verse-Chorus-Outro etc, and reuse them as
a starting basis in future works.
Building a DrumTrack in the song editor
1/ Enter the Letter ( A to L ) of the pattern in the drop-down list ( Left click in the Pattern Zone )
2/ Select the number of times the pattern will be repeated before the next pattern is played
Repeat these operations until the track is completed.
Beginning of Song Control Display (Start)
: Here you can choose the bar, and the beat, when StiX will start and begin to play its
first pattern in Song Mode. Left Click in this area and select the bar number in the DropDown menu
: Set the number of song slots the song will cycle thru
Song Presets
: Works in a similar way to all other Presets in StiX: You can define criteria, sort Songs presets using filters,
save/load/Delete patterns, rename them or save them with new names etc
Go back to the Pattern editor
: Just click on the Patterns toggle button to go back to the patterns editor