PZ-TIO Manual
Version 1.01
© 2022 XIA LLC
1.1 PZ-TIO Features
The PZ-TIO is designed as a “switchboard” for GPIO signals, synchronized by White
Rabbit, to route input signals to output signals and make logical combinations between
them in FPGA fabric. It has the following features and capabilities:
40+ GPIO connections to PicoZed Zynq SOM
3 SFP interfaces
Supports White Rabbit IP core implementation in PicoZed by providing clocking
circuitry for 2 SFPs (on daughterboards)
Carries PicoZed Zynq processor with embedded Linux, acting as a standalone PC
with built-in SD card drive, USB host, 10/100/1000 Ethernet, webserver, etc
Optional 1588 PTP and SyncE clock synchronization for Linux
Open source user access to hardware, software and firmware