PZ-TIO Manual
Version 1.01
© 2022 XIA LLC
4.3 Clockprog
not yet implemented
Programs the clock PLL that buffers PTP or external clocks for FPGA and MMCX outputs. This
allows for generating an output clock of arbitrary frequency.
Functions performed
Program PLL for PTP and external clock
: Mode (read and display, write to EEPROM, program PLL registers)
Mode 0: read and display registers
Mode 1: write current register contents to PROM memory
Mode 2: Input 25 MHz, output 25 MHz on Y1 (FPGA)
Mode 3: Input 25 MHz, output 25 MHz on Y1 (FPGA) and Y3 (External)
Mode 4: Input 25 MHz, output 50 MHz on Y1 (FPGA), Y2 (backplane), and Y3 (External)
Mode 5: Input 50 MHz, output 50 MHz on Y1 (FPGA), Y2 (backplane), and Y3 (External)
: display current register settings
: Do not execute during a data acquisition
4.1 monitordaq
Template for monitoring Pixie-16 data acquisition. At this point, it runs for the time specified in
the settings file and periodically writes the status registers to file.
Functions performed
Read settings files
Reset counters in FPGA
Loop for requested time, save status to RS.csv periodically
: None
: RS.csv
: Do not execute runstats or cgistats while monitordaq is in progress