DMX Channel 2
This controls the speed of the pattern (with the exceptions listed below).
A DMX value of 1 plays 1.48 frames per second and a DMX value of 255
plays 25 frames per second. If DMX Channel 2 has a value of 0, then it
is in sound active mode. The pattern will jump to the next frame each
time with the beat of the music.
The Individual Head Select Mode* allows the user to turn on one Pod
head at a time, using Channel 2 to select which head. Set Channel 1 to
a value between 232 and 239. The table below shows what Channel 2
values correspond to each head. Accordingly, Channel 2 will not control
“speed” when Channel 1 is set to Individual Head Select Mode or Ad-
vanced Head Select Mode because no pattern will be selected.
The Advanced Head Select Mode** is an alternative method for control-
ling the X-Pod Router. It is generally recommended only for more ad-
vanced scenarios in which DMX sequences are preprogrammed using
advanced controllers such as software sequencers. Using this mode, it is
possible to turn on or off each head in any combination using only two
DMX channels. For instance, if you wanted to turn on heads 1, 2, 6 and
8, while keeping heads 3, 4, 5 and 7 off, you would use Advanced Head
Select mode. Though this method may seem somewhat confusing or
difficult to implement, it is an incredibly powerful tool in the right situa-
tions as you will see later.
Advanced Head Select Mode Operation
To use the X-Pod
Router in Advanced Head Select mode, first assign
Channel 1 to a value between 240 and 247. Channel 2 is then used to
select which heads turn on and which heads remain off. (While using
Advanced Head Select, Channel 1 should stay at a constant value.
Since this mode does not rely on preprogrammed sequences, sequence
speed control is not used.) Each Channel 2 value, from 0 to 255, corre-
sponds to a unique "on/off" pattern. First determine which heads you
want on and which should be off. Then determining which DMX value to
use is a fairly simple process that is actually very similar to calculating
DIP switch positions for a given DMX address. Each head has a number
associated with it, which is used to calculated the desired Channel 2
DMX value. The numbers for each head is listed in a table below. To cal-
culate the desired value, you simply add up the numbers for each head
you want to turn on, while ignoring the numbers for each head you want
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