Check that the remote interlock circuit or remote
interlock plug, if applicable, are properly connected
to the laser and enabled.
Art-Net control is erraAc or intermi6ent
Verify that only one Art-net controller is
transmisng ArtDMX packets to the laser’s
universe. Refer to the troubleshooAng steps above
for “No Output in Art-Net Mode”
Output is undersized, the wrong color, missing colors, or geometrically distorted . . .
. . . in Art-Net mode
Test the unit in other control modes, if applicable.
If the problems persist in all modes or you are
unable to test them, refer to the troubleshooAng
steps in the "in all modes" subsecAon below.
Verify that no geometric or color adjustments are
being applied that would move output out of the
projecAon field or make the intensity zero (For
example, RGB values set to 0/0/0) via DMX.
Verify that the DMX profile in your control system is
configured correctly and matches the DMX
parameters of your laser.
Consult the user manual and Mercury Personality
Guide and ensure that all required channels are set
to proper values.
Refer to the "No output. . .in DMX mode" and
"DMX control is erraAc or intermi6ent"
troubleshooAng secAons above. Many of the
problems that can prevent output enArely or cause
erraAc operaAon may also cause unexpectedly
distorted output.
Test the unit in DMX and auto modes, if applicable.
If the problems persist in all modes or you are
unable to test them, refer to the troubleshooAng
steps in the "in all modes" subsecAon below.
Power cycle the system, reset the system sesngs
to defaults, and try again.
. . . in all modes
Verify that size/color adjustments at the laser itself,
if applicable, are set correctly.
Laser makes a ra6ling or "growling" sound that
persists even when not outpusng.
This is usually a sign of a failing cooling fan. If the
sound does not stop within one minute of power
on contact X-Laser to return the unit for service.