d. Priority Time (ms) determines how long the system will wait before looking for a lower-
priority source if the current source stops transmisng
By default, the system will respond to the highest priority source transmisng on the assigned universe.
If that source stops transmisng, the system will switch to the next highest priority source a]er Priority
Time. This facilitates smooth fail-over between primary and backup sources with no addiAonal
equipment. If more than one source is detected transmisng at the highest priority on the assigned
universe, the system will stop responding the sACN control unAl only one source is detected. During this
condiAon, the system will indicate
Sources Exceeded
on the sACN Status Screen.
If necessary, a Minimum Priority can be set to prevent the system from responding to any source with a
lower priority. This can be used to prevent sources transmisng at default priority from taking control of
the lasers due to an error in universe assignment.
Most control systems will fall back to transmisng sACN DMX packets only once every one or two
seconds unless universe data is acAvely changing, in which case the sACN Timeout must be set for
1000-2500ms. Improved safety and faster fail-over can be achieved by enabling conAnuous sACN
output. Some control systems support this as a toggle opAon in their output configuraAon. On other
systems conAnuous output can be achieved by assigning an unused dimmer or other device with a
conAnuously running effect to the desired universe.
Art-Net Control
This system supports Art-Net 4 (v1.4) as developed by ArAsAc Licence for the transport of DMX data over
an Ethernet connecAon. To enable control via Art-Net:
1. Set System > Control Source to Art-Net and provide an Art-Net control source or use auto source
2. Assign an Art-Net universe in Art-Net > Universe to match the universe your control system is
transmisng. Note that valid Art-Net universes are 0-32767, but some control systems will use the
numbers 1-32768.
Note: canonically, Art-Net splits the universe up into “Net”, “Sub-Net” and “Universe” segments.
These correspond to bits 14-8, 7-4, and 3-0 of the 15-bit universe number. To convert from Art-Net
notaAon to Numeric notaAon as used by most so]ware and this system:
3. Assign the DMX start address in DMX > Address to match how the laser is patched in your control
4. Adjust addiAonal Art-Net parameters in the Art-Net menu as needed for reliable operaAon:
a. Packet Threshold determines how many valid sACN packets the system must receive before
it will begin responding to sACN control.
b. Timeout (ms) determines how long the system will wait between valid sACN packets before
terminaAng output. This should be set to the lowest value that provides reliable operaAon
c. PollReply Mode determines how the system transmits responses to ArtPoll queries.