RMS Cmp sub-menu [2/2]
– from this page it is possible to set the Attack Time. Release Time and “Knee” type of
the Output Channels RMS Compressor.
The following is an example screen for the Limiter page where the Attack Time of the RMS Compressor is set at
5ms, the Release Time is set at 0.2Sec and the Knee type is at the 50% between the HARD (000%) and the SOFT
(100%) one:
Once pushing ENTER the RMS Compressor's parameters can be modified using the “NAV/PM1”, “PM2” and “PM3”
encoders for editing the RMS Compressor's Attack Time [A]., Release Time [R] and Knee type.
Out-1 Name RMS Cmp
A: 5ms R: 0.2s Kn=50%
Once pushing ENTER the above screen will change as follows:
Out-1 Name RMS Cmp
->A: 5ms R: 0.2s Kn=50%
The Attack Time [A] can be edited using the “NAV/PM1” encoder, the Release Time [R] the “PM2” encoder and the
Knee type the “PM3” encoder.
Attack Time [A]
”: the selectable range of the RMS Compressor's Attack Time is from 5ms to 200ms in steps of
1ms - from 5ms to 20ms then 5ms - from 20ms to 30ms then 10ms - from 30ms to 100ms and 20ms - from
100ms to 200ms.
The Limiter's Attack Time can be adjusted by rotating the “NAV/PM1” encoder.
Release Time [R]
”: the selectable range of the RMS Compressor's Release Time is from 0.1s to 3s in steps of
0.1s and can be adjusted by rotating the “PM2” encoder.
Hard/Soft Knee
: the selectable range of the RMS Compressor's Knee type is from 000% (Hard) up to 100%
(Soft) and can be adjusted by rotating the “PM3” encoder.
Peak Limiter sub-menu
– from this page it is possible to set the Output Channels Peak Limiter.
The following is an example screen for the Peak Limiter page where the Attack Time of the Peak Limiter is set at
5ms, the Release Time is set at 0.2Sec and the Peak Limiter Active Threshold is set at +15dB:
Out-1 Name Limiter
A: 5ms R: 0.2s +15.0dB
Once pushing ENTER the Peak Limiter's parameters can be modified using the “NAV/PM1”, “PM2” and “PM3”
encoders for editing the Peak Limiter's Attack Time [A]., Release Time [R] and Active Threshold.
Once pushing ENTER the above screen will change as follows:
Out-1 Name Limiter
-> A: 5ms R: 0.2s +15.0dB
The Attack Time [A] can be edited using the “NAV/PM1” encoder, the Release Time [R] the “PM2” encoder and the
Peak Limiter Active Threshold the “PM3” encoder.
Attack Time [A]
”: the selectable range of the Peak Limiter's Attack Time is from 5ms to 200ms in steps of 1ms
- from 5ms to 20ms then 5ms - from 20ms to 30ms then 10ms - from 30ms to 100ms and 20ms - from
100ms to 200ms.
The Limiter's Attack Time can be adjusted by rotating the “NAV/PM1” encoder.
Release Time [R]
”: the selectable range of the Peak Limiter's Release Time is from 0.1s to 3s in steps of 0.1s and
can be adjusted by rotating the “PM2” encoder.
Limiter Active
: the selectable range of the Peak Limiter's Threshold is from +20dB (Limiter not active)
to -10.0dB in steps of 0.2 dB and can be adjusted by rotating the “PM3” encoder.
: The Peak limiter Threshold is defined in Vp, due to the fact that with both, Sinusoid and Squared wave
testing signals, the WS-P48 Peak Limited output Vp (Peak-Peak) Level is the same and matching the selected one.
: once the desired options have been selected using the 3 encoders, they are automatically saved as current
and stored in the WS-P48 system status once leaving the page.
: to exit this page, push the “ESC” button.