by steps of one hundred Hz and the PM3 by steps of one Hz.
LPF sub-menu
[Custom Filters]
– from the sub-menu page, using the PM2 encoder, it is also possible to set the
LPF as “Custom Filter”, where this means that the LPF is builded as cascade of IInd Order Cells, which number is
depending from the filter's order and where for each Cell can be set independently the High Cut frequency and the Q.
More precisely, the available independent parameters for setting are the following:
Customm_2nd: builded using 1 IInd order Cell, where High Cut Frequency and Q can be set
Customm_3rd: builded using 2 IInd order Cell, where High Cut Frequency can be set on both the cascaded
Cells and the Q on the second one
Customm_4th: builded using 2 IInd order Cell, where High Cut Frequency and the Q be set on both the
cascaded Cells.
The following is an example of a LPF sub-menu screen with the filter set at 400Hz as Custom_4th on Output1...
using the name “Low” (see later for assigning a Name to the outputs):
Out-1 Low LPF
->Custom_4th F = 400Hz
From this Page, to access the cascaded IInd order Cells, it is necessary to rotate the NAV/PM1 encoder Clockwise
or Counterclockwise.
The number of accessible IInd order Cells is depending from the Custom Filter order: Custom_2nd will allow the
editing of just one IInd order Cell, Custom_3rd and Custom_4th, the access to 2 IInd order Cells.
In the previous example, rotating Clockwise the NAV/PM1 encoder, we can access the Filt1 (Cell1) and Filt2 (Cell2)
pages, for the Cells High Cut Frequency and Q settings.
When within the Filt1 editing Page, in example:
Out-1 Low LPF
->Filt1 F = 400Hz Q = 0.7
And we can chose a different setting within the Filt2 page:
Out-1 Low LPF
->Filt2 F = 400Hz Q = 1.5
The filter's Frequency can be set already within these editing pages using the PM2 encoder, but here is for
Frequency “fine tuning” being the Frequency increment/decrement done by 1Hz steps.
For a quick High Cut Frequency setting, need to press the ENTER Button for accessing the High Cut Frequency
Fast Setting Page.
Out-1 Low LPF
->Edit Freq = 400Hz
High Cut Frequency
”: the selectable frequencies range is from 20Hz to 20kHz.
Here, the NAV/PM1” encoder will increment/decrement the Frequency value by step of one thousand Hz, the PM2
by steps of one hundred Hz and the PM3 by steps of one Hz.
: once the desired options have been selected using the 2 encoders, they are automatically saved as current
and stored in the WS-P48 system status once leaving the page.
: to exit this page, push the “ESC” button.
EQ Byp page
– from this sub-menu it is possible to Bypass or to make active the 5 Bands Equalizer placed on the
Output Signal Path.
Out-1 Name EQ Byp
Eq Bypass = Off
When Bypassed the 5 Bands Equalizer, its current setting will not be lost.
EQ: [x] sub-menu
– from this sub-menu it is possible to set the Output Channels five available Multi-Type Filters.
Anyone of the 5 filters of the Eq can be selected choosing from the list of filter types shown already at the “Input