As an example, let‟s say you wanted to attach an aisle number as a prefix to every item number you entered. Assuming the aisle
number is statement #02, entering }02 in the Upload Prefix of the item number statement would attach the aisle number to every
item number. Only the data in statement #02 would be attached; any
Upload Prefix
Upload Suffix
characters for statement #02
will not be uploaded.
The field that is appended (#02 in our example) is typically not uploaded by itself - it is only uploaded in conjunction with another
field. To suppress the transmission of a field entirely upon uploading, use:
in the
Upload Prefix
Upload Suffix
(either will work) for that field.
The example above would upload the data in statement #01 attached in front of the data for statement #03 every time it is
Trimming data from a field
Upload Prefix
can be used to trim 1-15 leading characters from the specified statements data. Trimming can happen in 3
where x is a single hex digit corresponding to the number of characters you want to remove from the data. Valid entries are 1 - F
(corresponding to 1-15). Trimming characters using the ~ waits to trim the data until it is uploaded.
The example above would trim 10 characters from the front of the data for statement #01. The data is not trimmed until it is
uploaded; the TriCoder displays and stores the data in its original form. If the data in statement #01 was less than 10 characters,
no trimming would occur and the data would be transmitted in its entirety.
where x is a single hex digit corresponding to the number of characters you want to remove from the data. As above, valid
entries are 1-F. Trimming characters using the { character trims the data BEFORE displaying it on the TriCoder screen and
before checking data lengths and data ID‟s.
The example above would trim 4 characters from the front of the data in statement #01. The trimming would occur immediately,
displaying the trimmed data on the TriCoder screen. If the data is less than 4 characters, no trimming would occur and the data
would display in its entirety. Because the data is trimmed BEFORE it is checked for its data length and data ID‟s, remember to
take those fields into consideration when trimming your data.
is the bar code ID character and
is a single hex digit corresponding to the number of characters you want to remove
from the data. As above, valid entries are 1-F. This type of trimming is called “selective” trimming. It only trims characters
from the specified bar code type if it is scanned. See
Chapter 8:
TriCoder Setup - Code 128 Parameters
for the correct bar code
ID characters for each bar code type.
The example above would trim 3 characters off of a Code 39 bar code scanned for statement #01. If you scanned a UPC bar
code instead, no trimming would occur.
Padding data with zeros or spaces
Upload Prefix
can be used to add zeros or spaces before the data up to the
Maximum Data Length
specified for the
statement. Padding and Trimming are mutually exclusive; trimming always takes precedence. To pad data with zeros, use:
To pad data with spaces, use: