Replacing the Blanket
3730 E. Southern Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85040 USA
Replacing the Blanket
1. Close the lid and latch it. Remove the vacuum hose
from the vacuum port (A). Insert a small screw driver
into the top of the gas shock (B) and pry off the spring
loaded cap to remove the gas shock.
Unbolt the hinges from the rear of the Lumitron (C).
Unlatch the top to remove the top frame and vacuum
blanket assembly.
2. Remove all of the screws from the blanket retaining
the bracket. Remove the frame to replace the
damaged blanket.
Position the replacement blanket over the frame
allowing it to droop naturally. The blanket should not
be stretched tight. Replace the blanket retaining
bracket with the screws that were removed earlier.
Replace the frame and blanket assembly onto the
Lumitron base, then align and reattach the hinges.
3. Reattach the gas shocks by pushing the top of the
gas shock connector onto the pivot ball and connect
the spring loaded cap.
Check for leaks before returning to normal operation.