Limited Warranty
3730 E. Southern Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85040 USA
Although every effort has been made to provide accurate specifications, Workhorse Products does not assume any liability
for damages, whether consequential or incidental, that may result from the use or misuse of the indicated specifications.
Workhorse Products requires the use of a licensed industrial electrician for the installation of electrical service to equip-
ment requiring electrical power.
Workhorse Products reserves the right to alter specifications in the manufacture of its products. It is understood and agreed
that Seller’s liability for any equipment whether liability in contract, in tort, under any warranty, in negligence, in strict liability
or otherwise shall not exceed the return of the amount of the purchase price paid by Buyer. Not withstanding the foregoing
provision, under no circumstances shall Seller be liable for special, indirect or consequential damages. The price stated for the
equipment is a consideration in limiting Seller’s liability. No action regardless of form, arising out of the transactions under
this Agreement may be brought by Buyer more than one (1) year after the cause of action has occurred. Our warranty is spec-
ified is exclusive and no other warranty, whether written or oral, is expressed or implied. Workhorse Products specifically
disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Equipment manufactured or sold by
Workhorse Products is warranted against defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one year from receipt by cus-
tomer. All warranties initiate from date of shipment to original customer. Replacement parts are covered for the term of the
equipment warranty period. Parts not under warranty are covered for thirty (30) days from receipt by customer. Any part
found by Workhorse Products to be defective in material or workmanship within the stated warranty period will be replaced
or repaired at Workhorse’s option without charge.
Written authorization must be obtained from Workhorse before any part will be accepted. Replacement parts are sent out
freight collect.
Parts sent out prior to receiving defective require a credit card hold for cost plus freight. Upon return of defective part, if it
is deemed that the part was not damaged by customer but failed, the cost of the replacement part will be refunded.
This warranty does not extend to expendable parts such as filters, fuses, elements and brushes. Workhorse does not war-
rant failure of parts or components resulting from misuse or lack of proper maintenance. Installation, inspection, and