Exposure Timer
3730 E. Southern Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85040 USA
(A) Exposure Display: Where the exposure time is displayed.
(B) Mode: Set the timer to be in seconds, minutes or hours. Hold the button until it beeps and the light
switches to indicate what mode is selected.
(C) Start/Resume: Start or resume the exposure process.
(D) Stop: Stop the exposure process at anytime.
(E) Set/Display: Set the overall display time. Hold the button until the set light is illuminated, then use
increase (F) or decrease (G) to set the time.
(F) Increase: Increase the time.
(G) Decrease: Decrease the time.
To expose a screen switch the main power button to the on position. Press and hold the mode button (B)
to select which increment of time to use. Use the increase (F) and decrease (G) buttons to change the
time to the desired exposure time. Press the start (C) button to trigger the lights and begin the exposure