Manual 37187A
SYNCONpanel - Transportable Remote Synchronizing Panel
10. When the load has been transferred from mains to the generator set, the connection to mains can be opened
manually at the interchange point. If the single phases have to be disconnected individually, the following
sequence must be kept: L3 – L2 – L1.
11. Now the generator is running with load in an isolated operation, but with droop characteristic. To avoid this,
the "Isolated operation" mode can be select on the control panel of the container (mobile system). The GCP
continues the isolated operation in "isochronous mode", so the frequency and the voltage is stable independ-
ently from the load. The "MCB" LED extinguishes.
Now the mobile system is feeding the load independently.
Synchronizing the Consumer Load Back from Generator to Mains
1. If not already done, connect the SYNCONpanel with the container and use the flat bar clamps for voltage
measuring. The clamp-on transducer is not required, but if the connection with the mains is expected to take
longer, it is recommended to use a clamp-on transducer here as well (the correct polarity must be observed).
2. Bus sensing should be performed locally. Only if there is no other possibility, the bus sensing may be per-
formed remotely. But this requires the correct connection of the Container at the busbar, phase rotation and
phase angle must checked before.
If remote bus sensing is being used, the voltage across the fuse or breaker must be checked to ensure
it is synchronous with the indication of the SYNCONpanel.
3. The operating mode of the mobile system must be set to "Transfer operation" at the container switch gear
4. Start of the back synchronisation by pressing the "Start Synch" push button. The zero phase angle between
the two voltage systems, which adjust themself automatically, will be additional indicated by an acoustical
(buzzer) and optical signal (lamp in push button). The phase angle between busbar and mains can be moni-
tored generally by the LED band (synchronoscope). The range for being "in phase" is to be configured in the
SYNCON unit.
5. The operator observes the remote panel and restores the connection to the mains if the phases are synchro-
nous. If the single phases have to be connected individually, the following sequence must be kept: L1 – L2 –
If a mains connection is detected by the GCP and the clamp-on transducer is connected to the mains for
power measurement, it will be switched to mains unloading from the first connection with the mains. The
"Synch Started" LED extinguishes and the "Unloading Mains" LED illuminates. Now, the other connections
may be made while limiting the power flow between mains and busbar.
If a mains connection is detected by the GCP and no clamp-on transducer is connected to the mains for
power measurement, it will be switched to constant real power and reactive power measurement from the
first connection with the mains. Now, the other connections may be made while limiting the power flow be-
tween mains and busbar.
Zero-phase control with clamp-on transducer is preferred for power measurement if the connection with the
mains is expected to take longer.
6. After re-establishing the connection with the mains, the GCB may be opened via the remote panel. There-
fore, the generator active power will be unloaded before. The GCB will open as soon as the load on the gen-
erator has dropped below a set value.
7. The Generator set can then be stopped by pressing the STOP push button on the GCP.
The set can now be disconnected
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