TD_PCM1x_Packages_Function/Operation_08.04_GB 13
Operating Mode Select Switch
Color: gray
Operating mode AUTOMATIC
The engine is automatically started and stopped, and the power circuit breakers
are automatically actuated. The two control inputs "Automatic 1" and "Automatic 2"
are used to specify various modes in "AUTOMATIC" operating mode (also see de-
scription of control inputs). Emergency power and sprinkler operation is carried out
regardless of the status of the discrete inputs "Automatic 1" and "Automatic 2".
Discrete input "Automatic 1" set:
Active (real) power setpoint 1 is adjusted.
Discrete input "Automatic 2" set:
Active (real) power setpoint 2 or an external setpoint (0/4..20 mA,
0..5/10 Vdc or interface) is adjusted (can be selected in configuration mode).
In this configuration changeover between the operating modes MANUAL, AUTOMATIC and TEST can be blocked via
the discrete input [D02] (terminal 63).
Color: gray
Operating mode MANUAL
Using "MANUAL" operating mode, the push-buttons can be activated to control the
equipment manually. The automatic control of the power circuit breakers and the
genset are blocked. Important automatic processes continue to remain in operation
(e. g. engine monitoring and the mains watchdog function for operation in parallel
with the mains). Sprinkler and emergency power operation are not active. An
emergency or Sprinkler operation which has been activated before changing to
operating mode MANUAL will be maintained.
Color: green/red
Engine start/stop
START ..........
Using this push-button the engine is started in MANUAL operating
mode. The starter and the operating magnet are activated by press-
ing the push-button, whereby the starter is de-activated after the fir-
ing speed has been reached, and the operating magnet remains
picked up. The push-button can now be enabled.
STOP ...........
This push-button is used to stop the engine by de-activating the op-
erating magnet.