Manual 36526A
DPG-21XX-00X Digital Controllers
If a voltage between 9 Vdc and 30 Vdc is being properly supplied across the BAT+ and
BAT- connector pins of the controller and the LED is off, then refer to the
troubleshooting chapter.
A slow blinking LED indicates all of the following:
1. The unit is powered.
2. The controller is not seeing a speed signal.
This means the engine is not running. If the engine is running or cranking and the LED
is blinking slow, then refer to the troubleshooting chapter for help in diagnosing why the
speed signal to the controller is missing.
A fast blinking LED indicates all of the following:
1. The unit is powered.
2. There is an engine speed signal at the controller’s tachometer inputs.
When the LED is on and not blinking it indicates the following:
1. The unit is powered.
2. There is a controller fault.
NOTE: The slow blink rate = ½ Hertz (the LED is turned on for 1 second followed by off
for 1 second then on again and so on). The fast blink rate is 3 times faster than the
slow blink rate.
All adjustments require that the controller be connected, via the COMM port, to a
computer running the Universal PST application. Remote access via the COMM port is
intended for connection only while programming, tuning and troubleshooting the
control. It is a service port and not intended for permanent connection.
The Universal PST is an MS Windows based application available from the Software
Products page at See Chapter 4 for a description of
this tool.