Wöhler DC 17 Pressure Computer
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Fax: +49 2953 73-250
3.1 Performing a volume flow measurement with menu item „Hydr.-kv“
Step 1 – Assembling the DC 17:
Start with
connecting the Wöhler DC 17 to the test hose
adapter (see fig. 3.1.1). Make sure that the red
and the blue test hose are not yet connected to
the pipe valve. If you want to use the needle ad-
apters (Cat. No. 21992) for measuring, you need
to attach them to the test hoses before starting
the measurement. In the next step, we recom-
mend to attach the device with the magnetic
protective bag in such a way that the display is
easy to read during the entire measurement, wi-
thout changing its position and height in relation
to the test fitting.
Fig. 3.1.1: Wöhler DC 17 with attached test hose adapter, valve set to
Step 2 – Connecting the test hoses:
nect the test hoses to the flow-control valve of
the pipe. In addition, the valve lever of the test
adapter should be closed or the valve of the
test hose adapter should be set to
Close also the valve of the red hose. At first,
connect the blue test hose to the valve or the
fitting of the pipe, as shown in fig. 3.1.2. You
can either use the needle adapter (Cat. No.
21992) or the standard couplings DN 5 for this.
At last, connect the red hose to the stop cock.
Fig. 3.1.2: Test hoses connected to fitting
Before switching on the Wöhler DC 17, the valve lever in the test hose ad-
apter should be set to
„P = 0“
(see fig. 3.1.3). The valve of the red test line
should be closed.
3. Operation