GMG-K / GMG-L Operation manual
Page 13 of 58
B0793 / B0796
3.5.6 Progressive distributors (option)
For the technical data of the progressive distributors that can be flanged on optionally, please
refer to the relevant data sheets.
If the progressive distributor is fitted with a "RS" (Reed contact) monitoring device, its
technical data is as follows:
Switching voltage
10 … 36 VUC
Switching current
max. 25 mA.
Switching power
max. 0.9 VA
Temperature range
… +60°C
Outer material
PA / 1.4305
3.5.7 Electric connection of the pump unit
The pump unit’s electric connection data is as follows:
Type of connection: Connector socket M12x1, 5-pin (8)
Version with control:
+24 V
+24 V (external release,
external impulses)
0 V
Alarm output
For attachment of the equipotential bonding,
there is a threaded M4 (9) connector available
at the pump casing.