PLA DL210NET Digi-Loop™ DSP Induction Loop Amplifier
7a1-3. Presets - Load Preset, Save Preset, Change Name
allow the user to store all of the current amplifier settings into one easy-to-access Preset, and recall the Preset when
needed. These presets are stored in the amplifier (not to be confused with saving or loading a configuration file, which can only be
done through the PC App and is stored on a computer). Three presets are available as a starting point, with defaults, as shown -
Dual-Loop, Phased-Array, and Speaker/Loop. There are also three Custom Presets available - User 1, User 2, and User 3. The
User Presets can be renamed. The Dual-Loop, Phased Array and Speaker/Loop Presets cannot be altered or saved; they can only
be loaded.
We recommend saving the settings in a User Preset in case of power outage or other catastrophic failure. Settings
should be saved immediately after the system is calibrated.
7b. RS-232
This allows the user to configure the RS-232 communication settings. These settings are determined by the 3rd party controller
being used to control the amplifier.