Options Page
The Options page displays user preferences that can be tailored to each WaveCAST C system.
The description sets the name of the device, which may be used to uniquely identify the device without referring
to the IP address.
Error Message: ERR_WEB_404_RESPONSE
This error message indicates no internet connection. This connection is optional; however, without an internet
connection, most personal devices will seek a different connection for data service. Sometimes without the
user’s knowledge, the phone’s data connection will switch from Wi-Fi to cellular service. When this happens the
App will not produce any audio, and the user will have to manually change their phone’s data service back to Wi-
Fi and make sure they are connected to the Wavecast access point, and possibly need to close and re-open the
App. One way around this is to put the phone in Airplane mode, as this limits the phone to Wi-Fi only.