Web Page
The WaveCAST C provides a web page to manage the transmitter settings which can be accessed over either a
hard-wired or wireless network connection with most internet browsers.
Most changes take effect when the submit button is clicked. The only setting that takes immediate effect is the
audio input gain, so that the changes can be immediately seen on the VU meter. Some changes require a reboot.
Any updates made through the front panel will show up on the web page once the current page has been
refreshed (navigated away from, going to a new page, or simply refreshing the page).
1. Open the web browser of your choice.
2. In the address bar of the browser, type in the IP address of the WaveCAST C (displayed on the front OLED
screen) and hit Enter.
3. You should see the Login Page of the WaveCAST C.
Login Page
The default User name is “admin” and the default password is “admin”. The user name and the password can
(and should) be changed on the website's Admin page.
Error Alert
If the WaveCAST C encounters an error, a message may appear at the top of the screen. Clicking the Clear Error
button will hide the alert. Not all errors require action, however, if an error continues occurring or affects system
performance, contact Tech Blue.