When the opening is ready for installation of the fire, the gas supply can be routed. An in-line restrictor cock is
supplied with the appliance. It is recommended that this be incorporated into the 8mm supply in an accessible
position, for example, underneath the 'shelf' of the appliance.
A compression fitting is supplied in order that the 8mm supply pipe may be connected directly into the gas valve.
A concealed connection may be made to the appliance by routing the supply pipe into the lower firebox via one
of three knock-out holes. These are located in the sides and rear of the firebox.
The gas pipe must be suitably protected where it passes through fireplace openings. Any sleeving should be
sealed to the pipe at its ends.
The open end of the supply pipe should be sealed temporarily during the installation of the firebox to prevent the
ingress of dirt and dust.
The firebox may be fitted to the opening by using screw fixing or by the cable kit as described in the relevant
section. Leave the polythene coating in place unitl fitting procedures are complete to eliminate any risk of scratch-
ing the decorative stainless steel finish of the firebox.
To fit the firebox, firstly check the fire goes fully back into the opening.
Secure the fire box by drilling and screwing down the frame of the firebox, or use the cable fixing method.
Drill the four holes for the rawl plugs, as shown in the diagram. If the fireplace configuration does not allow
the exact layout given, the eyebolts should be positioned as close to the correct layout as possible.
Before finally fitting cables, apply the self adhesive sealing strips. The fireframe must be sealed evenly to the
fireplace opening all around the periphery.
Thread the tensioning cables through the holes in the top of the firebox, then the eyelets, and finally through
the lower holes in the back of the firebox, as shown in the photographs.
Push the appliance back into to fireplace, centralise, and pull the loose tensioning cables through the holes
into the firebox. . Thread the tensioner bolts onto the cables, with the nuts screwed down close to the ten-
sioner head. Slide the screwed nipple onto the cable, pull cable tight, and tighten nipple.
The tension of the cable may now be adjusted by using a suitable spanner on the ten-
sioner nuts to pull the appliance tightly against the fireplace opening. Visually inspect
the seal and reseat if necessary.
Note: D
DO NOTT ccuut ooff eexxcessss ccable.
Surplus cable must not be cut off, as it will be
impossible to refit the fire after servicing. Coil
up the surplus cable, and locate under the shelf
at the rear of the firebox. Two cable ties are
provided so as the cable may be secured out of
Note :: IIf rruunning aa cconcealed ggass ssuupplyy,
enssuure ggrommetss aare ssecuure aarouund iincoming
A. 550 mm
B. 440 mm
C. 150 mm
Dimension can
be +/-10mm