2. Open the bag of 10 ceramic
pebbles. All of these pebbles are
the same size, but may vary slight-
ly in shape in order to create a
natural effect. Take seven pebbles
and place them as shown, in the
centre of the burner.
3. Take four more pebbles and
place them as shown, on top of
the first six pebbles
The fire is designed to operate correctly with the pebbles supplied when assembled according to the instructions.
Never add to the ten pebbles, or change them for a different type. Never throw rubbish or other matter onto the
fuel bed.
Due to the light colour of the pebbles, some discolouration/sooting is to be expected during normal use.
This fire is fitted with a flue spillage safety device (ODS). If the fire shuts down during use for no apparent reason
then several reasons may be suspected. If a door or window has been opened creating a draught, then pilot dis-
turbance could be the problem, and removal of the draught should resolve this. The fire can then be re-lit in accor-
dance with the previous section. A sealing grommet may have been ommited when the fire was installed, and the
original installer should be called to check this, the gas pressure and pipework.
If pilot disturbance is not the cause, then the ODS safety system may be in operation. Switch the appliance OFF,
call in your installer to check the flue and ventilation and carry out any remedial work required. DO NOT allow
the appliance to be used until the flue system is passed as safe.
Before carrying out any of the following operations, ensure that the fire is OFF and completely cold.
Debris that may form on the firebed should be periodically removed by a competent person. Large deposits could
indicate deterioration of the flue. This should be repaired by a competent person, and the fire serviced before
further use.
FIREFRAME - The appliance is supplied with a marble frame. This may be cleaned with a damp cloth.