1800 358 101
+64 9 553 3677
646 568 5391
1 877 822 1455
New Zealand
United States
Switching on the Device:
Plug the power cord into the socket on the rear panel and connect the power cord to the AC
power output. Switch ON the mains and switch ON the stirrer from the front side, as shown in
the below figure. The power LED on its front panel will glow.
NOTE: The values of any parameter will get saved only after the respective display blinks multiple times.
Setting Safe Temperature:
If the heater temperature exceeds the value saved in safe mode, the operation will stop.
The safe temperature limit must always be set to at least 25°C lower than the fire point
of the media used.
Once the unit is switched ON, the Safe Temperature Setting will be initialised.
The ‘ACTUAL’ display of the device will show the ‘SAFE’ and ‘SPEED/TIMER’ display.
These will show the respective values of safe temperature to be set.
By pressing the ‘+/-’ buttons, the user can set the value of safe temperature. The maximum
value of safe temperature can be set up to 345°C. After selecting the desired safe
temperature value, the value gets saved automatically after blinking five times in the
display panel.
Setting Time:
The time in the display will show in minutes. The stirrer timer set for operation as in between
1 minute to 999 minutes and/or infinite mode. Infinite mode is seen as ‘][‘. To set time, press
the ‘TIME’ button and set the value by pressing ‘+/-’. When the time button is pressed, the
‘MINS’ display will blink indicating the time value by 1 minute.
Long press ‘+/-’ to quickly increase or decrease the time value. Time value gets saved after
multiple blinks. The timer is a countdown timer showing the remaining time left. Once the
time is over, the stirrer will stop.
Setting Speed:
The speed is displayed as RPM. The minimum and maximum speed of the stirrer are
200RPM and 2200RPM respectively. When the equipment is used for the first time, the speed
will be set to zero and shown as ‘0’. Once the speed value is selected, single press ‘+/-’ which
will increase or decrease the speed value by 10RPM. Long press ‘+/-’ to quickly increase or
decrease the speed value. The speed value will be saved after five blinks.
To operate the device as a heater, set the time and the temperature as informed by the
previous two sections and the set the speed of the stirrer to zero by pressing ‘+/-’.