8 . Ju mper test point TP6 and TP7. Apply twice
tap value ac current.
a . A pply rated relay voltage. V o ltage at
TP5 = 6.2V.
b . Remove j u m per . Apply rated voltage.
Voltage at TP5 = less than 0.5V.
9 . Jumper test point TP6 and TP7 .
a. Apply rated relay voltage. Voltage at printed
circuit board terminal l 0 or 1 · 1 = less than
0.5V (X and A R relay picked up).
b. Remove j u m per. A pply rated voltage .
Voltage at pc terminal l 0 = 24V (X relay not
picked up). Voltage at pc terminal l l =rated
relay voltage (A R relay not picked up).
Overcurrent Module
l . Jumper test points TP6 (timer module). Set tap
in 0.5 hole and turn tap multiplier knob to X l
a. Apply 0.5 amp ac current to the particular
input in question. Then apply rated relay
voltage. Measure 6.6 Vac at the transformer
secondary terminals. The same voltage
should be read with the tap in the 1 .5 amp
tap and 1 .5 amps ac applied. Likewise with
the 4.5 amp tap.
2. Jumper test points TP6 and TP7. Set tap in 0 . 5
hole and turn tap m ultiplier t o X l position.
a. With 0.4 amp ac current flowing apply rated
relay voltage. Measure voltage at terminal 5
of I C l to be 6.4 V . Now increase the current
until the output relay operates. The voltage
should now read approx. 5 .4V. At this point
the voltage at terminal 4 should measure
6.4V. The voltage at printed circuit board
I.L. 41-776.5
terminal 3 should measure 2 3 . 5 Vdc before
the output relay operates and less than 2 . 5 V
after i t operates .
3 . Jumper test points TP6 and TP7. Set tap in 0 . 5
hole and turn tap multiplier knob fully C W .
a. Apply 0 . 5 a m p a c and apply rated relay
voltage. M easure 4.2 volts at the brush ter
minal of the tap multiplier rheostat.
4. J u m per test points TP6 and TP7 (timer
a. Apply rated relay voltage. M easure 6.2V at
TP l and less than 0.5V at TP2.
b. Remove jumper. Apply rated relay voltage.
M easure less the 0.5V at TP l and 24V at
5 . Check of Reed relay ( R R) contact.
a. Resistance should be greater than 500 ohms
when measured from jumper J l to common
b. Jumper test points TP6 and TP7 and apply
rated relay voltage. Resistance should drop
to less than 5 ohms.
6. Check coil resistance of reed relay ( R R) ( 1 000
ohms), A R relay (630 ohms) and X telephone
relay ( 1 500 ohms). Attention should be paid to
polarity since each of the coils have a diode con
nected across it.
Repair work can be done most satisfactorily
at the factory. H owever, interchangeable parts
can be furnished to the customers who are equip
ped for doing the repair work . When ordering
parts, always give the complete nameplate data,
and style numbers from the electrical parts list.
. ElectricalPartManuals
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