X25 remote command address:
This parameter is used to allow remote access to the unit via an X.25 channel. If the address
ed, (up to 15 digits), matches the trailing digits of an incoming X.25 call, the calling user will
be prompted to enter their username and password. Correct entry of these will allow the calling user
to control the unit remotely. The range of functions they will be able to access will depend upon their
user access level.
X25 call timeout (s):
This parameter is the time the unit will wait for an X.25 call to connect. This timer starts when the
X.25 call request is sent.
X25 switch call timeout (s):
This parameter is the time the unit, operating as an X.25 switch, will wait for a switched X.25 call to
connect. If the timer expires before a switched call has connected, then a CLR will be returned to the
calling party.
GPRS LED mode:
On models
tted with GPRS, this parameter is used to select whether the dual-function status
indicators on the front panel re
ect the status of the GPRS module or the ISDN connection and may
be set to “GPRS” or “ISDN” respectively.
ASY LED mode:
This parameter determines what causes the ASY port LED’s to illuminate.
When set to “Connection”, the LED for an ASY port illuminates when the protocol bound to that
port is connected.
When set to “DTR status”, the LED for an ASY port illuminates when the terminal connected to that
port raises the DTR signal.
When set to “GPRS Signal Strength” the four LED’s that normally indicate activity on the ASY ports
(GR2130 and GR2410 only), function instead as a signal strength indicator. If only one LED is
illuminated the signal is weak, if all four are illuminated the signal is at full strength.
ASY <port> name:
These parameters allow a name to be associated with each of the physical and logical ASY ports.
Once you have allocated a name it will appear in the heading of the
Confi g
ASY port
page for that
port. It will also be displayed when using the “AT\PORT” command.
GPRS port name:
On models
tted with GPRS this parameter allows you assign a name to the port occupied by the
GPRS module. Once you have allocated a name it will appear in the heading of the
Confi g
page. It will also be displayed when using the “AT\PORT” command.
PSTN port name:
On models
tted with an analog modem this parameter allows you assign a name to the port occupied
by the modem. Once you have allocated a name it will appear in the heading of the
Confi g
page. It will also be displayed when using the “AT\PORT” command.
ASY <port> Telnet mode:
This parameter is used to select the Telnet mode when a remote entity is connected to an ASY port
via TCP/IP (i.e. connected to TCP port 4000 to 4003 for ASY ports 0 - 3 respectively). When set to
“Raw Mode” no byte stuf
ng is used. When set to “Telnet Mode” standard Telnet byte stuf
ng is used.
When set to “Telnet No Null Stuf
ng Mode”, Telnet byte stuf
ng without null stuf
ng is used.