4.54 Confi gure
Using the Web Page(s)
Desired local ACCM:
For advanced users only - default value is 0x00000000.
Desired remote ACCM:
For advanced users only - default value is 0xffffffff.
Request remote CHAP authentication:
Set this parameter to “Yes” if it is required that the unit authenticate itself with the remote system
using CHAP. If this parameter is set, the connection will fail if authentication is not successful.
Generally, this parameter should be set to “No”.
This is the password used for authenticating with the remote system when multi-link PPP is used. This
password is used for both B-channel PPP connections.
Confi rm password:
If altering the password, the new password must also be entered here. The unit will check that both
elds are identical before changing the parameter value.
Short sequence numbers:
MLPPP data packet sequence numbers are usually stored in 16 bits. This parameter may be set to
“On” to select 12-bit sequence numbers if necessary.
This is the username for logging on to the remote system when multi-link PPP is used.
The parameters in this section are used to specify when the secondary ISDN B-channel should be
1B->2B rate (bytes/s):
This is the transfer rate (in bytes/sec) that will trigger the unit to activate the secondary B-channel. If
this parameter is set to 0 the secondary B-channel will not be used. The default is 2000 bytes/s.
1B->2B delay (s):
This is the time (in seconds) for which the
1B->2B rate
must be sustained before
the secondary B channel is activated. If this parameter is set to 0, the secondary B-channel will not be
used. The default is 10 seconds.
2B->1B rate (bytes/s):
This is the transfer rate (in bytes/s) below which the data transfer rate must fall before the secondary
B-channel will be deactivated. If this parameter is greater than the
1B->2B rate
then the secondary B-
channel connection will not be dropped until the connection is terminated. The default is 1000 bytes/s.
2B->1B delay (s):
This is the time (in seconds) for which the transfer rate must fall below
before the secondary B-channel will be deactivated. The default is 60 seconds.
The following four parameters are only available if you have purchased the AODI software option.
To use AODI you will also have to enable the Always on mode parameter on the
Confi gure