Auto activation attempts allowed:
On GPRS units this parameter may be used to specify the maximum number of times a PPP instance
that is con
gured to auto-activate (when the PPP Standard Always On mode is On), is allowed to do
so before other PPP instances that were inhibited by this PPP instance will be allowed to connect.
Post-disconnect activation attempts allowed:
On GPRS units this parameter may be used to specify the maximum number of times a PPP instance
that was connected and is then disconnected, is allowed to attempt to reconnect before other PPP
instances that were inhibited by this PPP instance will be allowed to connect.
Inhibit auto-activation when these PPPs are active:
This is a comma separated list of PPP instances that can inhibit this PPP instance from activating. If
any of the PPP instances in this list is connected, this instance cannot connect.
Inhibit mode:
This parameter de
nes under what circumstances the PPP will be inhibited by the PPPs listed in the
Inhibit auto-activation when these PPPs are active
parameter. They can either inhibit the PP if
they are active, or if the are active and not out of service.
IPSec source IP from interface:
By default, the source IP address for an IPSec Eroute will be the IP address of the interface on which
IPSec was enabled. By setting this parameter to either PPP or Ethernet, the source address used
by IPSec will match that of the Ethernet or PPP interface speci
ed by the
IPSec source IP from
interface #
parameter below.
IPSec source IP from interface #:
See above.
Layer 1 interface:
This parameter can be set to “Default”, “Port” or “Eth” and determines whether PPP frames are
carried over ISDN, X.25 call, local DUN (Default option) or over one of the serial ports operating in
synchronous mode (Port option) or over an Ethernet interface (Eth option).
Layer 1 interface #:
When the layer 1 interface is set to “Port”, then this
eld speci
es which synchronous port to use.
Data limit warning level (kb):
On GPRS networks (where charging is based on the amount of data transferred as opposed to time
spent on-line), this parameter may be used to specify a data limit after which the unit will create an
entry in the event log to indicate that this amount of data has been transferred. For example, if your
monthly tariff includes up to 5Mb of data before you are charged an “excess”, you might set the Data
limit warning level to 4000. This would cause the unit to place a warning entry in the event log once
you had transferred 4Mb. This event could be used to trigger an email alert message, SNMP trap or
SMS alert message.
Data limit stop level (kb):
This parameter is used to set the maximum amount of data that may be transferred before the unit will
“lock” the interface and prevent further transfer. As with the
Data Limit Warning Level
parameter it is
used on networks where the tariff is based on the amount of data transferred to help prevent excess
charges being incurred.
Once the interface has been locked, it may be unlocked manually by clicking on the
Clear Total Data
button on the appropriate
page or automatically at the start of the next
billing period by setting the
Data Limit Reset Day of Month